Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Common Core in ALL Subject Areas

We continue to hear about how literacy skills need to be taught in all subject areas.  That is only half of the equation.   In addition to teaching reading and writing in science, social studies, etc,  we also need to realize the potential for teaching other content during English language arts time.

By using a thematic approach, children are able to learn so much more.  The average basal reading series emphasizes the teaching of literacy skills.  These same skills can be taught through the content area.  When fiction and non-fiction texts about the same topic are matched, they aid in retention of vocabulary.  When children are given writing prompts that match the theme, they are encouraged to use that vocabulary.  Research shows that children need to hear a word many times before it becomes part of their vocabulary.  By teaching thematically, students will hear the same words many times over a two - three week period.  

Books on the same topic should be available to students during read to self, partner reading, and listening to reading times.  This will help students increase their vocabulary and content area knowledge.  Students should also be encouraged to discuss the topic with other students in the class.  This can be accomplished by setting up a language activity and having a few students model it for the class.

We need to use our time wisely.  Teaching reading in isolation does not make the best use of our time.  Teach reading and writing during all subject areas.  Also, remember to teach content area during reading time to maximize student learning.

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